Monday, October 17, 2011

Bob and Philip Do Hollywood

They have brought you guidos, pregnant teens, teen moms, more teen moms for some reason, zombies, werewolves, teen wolves, fat people who got skinny, skinny people that got who got fat, unmade people who got MADE, true lives, buttheads and beavises. Now, amongst all of the crap, MTV is finally going to bring you something worth watching: the Soven brothers. That's right. Philip and Bob Soven are taking the reality tv world by storm as they play the roles of themselves in MTV's new upcoming reality show "Wake Brothers".

I don't know how they did it, but it is about time. As much as wakeboarding has exploded over the past decade, the sport could still really use the exposure. And who would be better for the job than two of the top riders in the world who just so happened to be siblings? Who I ask?!? Actually, if you have an answer to that let me know; Shane, Parks, Rusty, you, anybody? Anyway, I am not really sure when the show is supposed to begin, but I'm assuming it's sometime around the time MTV starts its new cycle of shows... just a guess. Look for it to be coming soon though.

The show is sure to be the most successful of the six new shows being added to MTV's line up ("Catfish", "Hoods", "Underemployed", "Wait Til Next Year", "Zack Stone is Gonna Be Famous", and , of course, "Wake Brothers"). This is huge considering MTV destroyed the charts with its show line up this summer, capturing six out of the top 20 original show spots for viewers between the ages of 12 and 34; that's more than any other network!  

For more on the show, go to

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