Sunday, September 25, 2011

What's Your Favorite Trick?

Well hello there. I was surfing the Internet, and I just so happened to come across a video on The video asked some of the top riders in the world an intriguing question: what is your favorite trick? Now, I interpreted this as "what is your favorite trick to perform", but as professional riders I assume that they would figure out how to do their favorite trick if they couldn't. Anyway the riders that were interviewed include Harley Clifford, Danny Hampson, Bob Soven, and Collin Harrington. Heres what they came up with:

Harley Clifford- HS Tailgrab Backroll to Backside 180
Danny Hampson- Melon to Mute Grab 180
Bob Soven- Backside 540 to Late Indy Grab
Collin Harrington- TS Off-Axis Melon 360

The video got me thinking of what my favorite trick is? However, I am not a professional, so I have two favorite tricks: my favorite trick and my favorite trick that I can actually do. I would have to say that my favorite trick (that I can't do mind you) is a an S-Bend or Vulcan. They might not be the most technical of moves, but they look cool as $#!% when done right! Especially when they are done by Darin Shapiro. Seriously, if you haven't seen Darin Shapiro do a vulcan check it out at It is the BIGGEST THING I have ever scene! However, my favorite trick that I caaaan do is a huge, laid-out off-axis half-calb melon grab 180. They're just as fun, if not more fun, to do than air raileys, but I think they look a lot more stylish.

Let me know what your favorite tricks to watch and perform are.  

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